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Tips for staying safe during summer heat

Summer is here and so is the heat. Not only do rising temperatures make life uncomfortable, they can also be life threatening.

To help keep you and your loved ones safe this season, the Center for Disease Control reminds you to stay cool, stay hydrated and stay informed.

Stay cool
• Wear loose-fitting lightweight clothing
• Stay within an air-conditioned environment as much as possible
• Limit outdoor activities to when it is the coolest
• Cut down on strenuous outdoor exercise
• Wear sunscreen—sunburns affect your body’s ability to cool down and can make you dehydrated
• Avoid hot and heavy meals

Stay hydrated
• Drink plenty of fluids—don’t wait until you’re thirsty (if your doctor limits how much you drink, be sure to check first)
• Stay away from sugary or alcoholic beverages
• Replace salt and lost minerals with sport drinks (if you are a low-salt diet, check with your doctor before taking any supplements)
• Provide plenty of water for your pets

Stay informed
• Check your local news or weather app for extreme heat alerts
• Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness
• Keep an eye on those at risk—infants, those dealing with a chronic illness and overweight individuals

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