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In the Spotlight: Betty Johnson and Digger

Moving into the duplex in October of 2019 was a blessing for resident Betty Johnson. Not only did she and her husband get to move in before COVID-19 hit, but there was also room and an outdoor space ideal for their dog, Digger. “She has plenty of room to roam over here and we have a court for her, so she doesn’t run wild.”

Digger is 15 years old and part papillon, part toy terrier. “She’s small but is getting fat,” said Betty. “She’s put on weight this winter and is up to 15 pounds. I have two bad knees, so we don’t walk like we used to. I wish I could go out and walk her more. The lead is pretty long on the patio, and we have a lot of yard south of us, so that’s all the exercise she gets anymore.”

While Betty shares that Digger, or “Diggy” as she calls her since she’s a girl, isn’t too friendly with other dogs, she’s very friendly with people when they visit. For fun, she also gets a lot of enjoyment out of playing with Bacon Bits. “She gets two treats down on the floor and she’ll throw them up and try to catch them. She’ll do that for probably five minutes before she eats them.”

Diggy also made a good impression on the judges at the 2023 Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor Pup Parade where she took home a medal for “Most Unique.” As Betty shared, “I don’t know what makes her unique – she does have little, short legs and a short terrier tail.” The medal is proudly framed and hangs on Betty’s wall.

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