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Resident Ted Doyle pins down memories

Resident Ted Doyle showcases his lapel pins.[/caption]

Resident Ted Doyle has been collecting lapel pins since the ‘70s.

It all started with a friend of Ted Doyle’s who collected police badges. His collection inspired Ted to start one of his own – lapel pins. Ted had tried for years to find a hobby that interested him, without success. As soon as he got his first few pins, he was hooked.

More than 40 years later, Ted has amassed more than 1,200 pins. They remind of him the people he has met, the places he has been and the things he has seen.

Ted, now a resident of Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor, acquired one

of his favorite pins while living in Garden City. For many years, Ted got his hair cut by a man whose son was the same age as Ted’s daughter. As the kids grew up, the barber’s son decided to go to medical school at the University of Kansas.

Years later, after he became a doctor, the son saw Ted, who told him all about his lapel pin collection. The young doctor took the pin off his coat and gave it to Ted. It was a Jayhawk Doc that the doctor had received while in school.

Ted’s wife, Faye, said she has spent countless hours over the past four decades cataloging the places they have visited for lapel pins. Ted’s collection includes pins from California, Utah, West Virginia, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, the Badlands and even Paris, France.

Pins make a great collection item, Ted said, because they are easy to care for and don’t take up a lot of room. He loves to share his pins

and his stories. If you want to know more, you’re invited to stop by, take a look and ask questions!

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