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Seek the inspiration of a fallow period

By Wayne Rector, Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor resident

In Mark 6:31, Jesus told his disciples to “come away by yourselves…and rest awhile.” In the plant world, the time of greatest productivity often follows a fallow period. Plants use the night time to assimilate food, and the winter time to rest. After both of these times, the plants come forth again. Farmers often let a field lay idle for a season to build the needed reserves.

Artists, poets, and writers often tell of periods of being completely devoid of inspiration, where it seems that nothing will ever spring forth from them again. Later, the light dawns and inspiration comes again. Has some rain fallen in your life? Has some hindrance prevented the light of God’s love from shining through? Do not despair for the light will shine again.

Let us have a word of prayer together,

Dear God, our Heavenly Father, we thank you for the restorative power you have provided in the “rest breaks” of our lives. Grant that we may take a scheduled or an unscheduled “time out” now and then to rest and meditate upon your Grace and Peace so that we may come back strong with renewed energy and an uncluttered mind.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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